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Most people on this ferry are reading broadsheet newspapers. In many countries, none would be.

DSCN0824Once again, there’s a new train schedule. I could have stayed in bed four extra hours (ie 0945).

Yes it’s Ramandan. No, sorry, I’m not going to partake as part of the traveller’s experience.

There only seems to be one brand of beer, Efes, and one brand of water, Erik li. Someone’s got a cracking monopoly.

So here I am, Izmir. The final dot of my trip, purely because I saved a few quid booking EasyJet from here.

Hotels hotels everywhere but not a sight to see. Why, I wonder, are people here?

Aarg there’s not even a hostel in Izmir. My room costs the same as the last three nights combined. And I have to sleep… alone.

DSCN0888The Turkish people have been thoroughly lovely at every turn.

Food or views? No question.

Experience has consistently proven that in Asia, the cheapest and busiest place will offer the tastiest grub.

My beer bottle is disguised with a newspaper wrapping. Surely Muslims aren’t that easily fooled?

Admirable cheek: selling your corn/nuts/bread/chai from a cart alongside someone else’s restaurant.

Free breakfast must be reaped before Easyjet.

I’m the only one on this flight with a rucksack.

They’ve hiked the prices in this airport by a factor of six! Even water.

My watch cost the same price as this BurgerKing medium fries.DSCN0919

I can see my hotel from the plane.

The first taxi I see upon arrival has an advert for ‘Visit Turkey’. Been there, done that.

TTFN wider world.

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