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10 – Vending Machine III (Suica PrePay)
Rather than fiddling with loose change, regular patrons of Japan’s vending-machine-infestation can pay using a card preloaded with their payment. Swipe for coffee. (Also works in actual shops, but who would bother with those?)

9 – Ticket Barriers
At stations, most people are honest enough to buy a ticket for their journey. So why do ticket barriers stay neutrally closed? Japanese ones stay open until an erroneous ticket causes them to snap closed. No wasted flapping.

8 – Virtual Horse Racing
At the Japanese version of a bookies, you can train up your own horse and compete against the person sitting next to you. All in a digital world, of course, with a giant race screen for the key event.

7 – Toilet II (Flush sound)
There’s no need for embarrassment when your toilet has a deafening flush noise to drown out any sounds you happen to be making.

6 – Change Machines
Bus drivers avoid grumpiness by always receiving exact change. There’s a change machine on every bus!

5 – Vending Machines II (As waiters)
Even in restaurants, vending machines play their part. Many have Venders outside: you press a button to buy your coupon, then exchange it inside for grub.

4 – Smoking Zones
Japan dislikes smoke, despite enjoying smoking greatly. Solving this problem are localised smoke extractors. Located on ‘Smoking Zone’ tables, they start up as a puffer approaches and whisps away any offensive air.

3 – Swivel Seat Trains
Nobody likes riding the bullet train backwards. To save this mild irritation, Shinkansen trains have swivel-able seats, reversed at each terminal.

2 – Vending Machines I (Hot Drinks)
You can buy chilled bottles from any vending machine. But perfectly heated milk tea instantly vended in a handy bottle? Only in Japan.

1 – Toilet I (Tank/Sink)
For simple yet revolutionary Jenius, this one’s a clear winner. Toilet flushes wastes water. As do hand washing sinks. Japanese toilets inJeniously combine the two wastes into one: you wash your hands in a sink directly above the flush tank. The world can do without many of Japan’s ridiculous toilet technology, but why haven’t others adopted this?

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