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My thanks go out to Steve Platts, who has kindly sent me one of his poems – Optimist Crime.  I hope that you enjoy reading it as much as I do.  And have a listen to the fantastic audio version on myspace too.

Optimist Crime
by Steve Platts

Still with the taste of toothpaste,

Watching the rat-race

Men chained to a suit case,


And early morning coffee-shooters

Eyes glazed from the haze

Of their computers

As bleary eyed students,

To tired to make nuisance

Find new uses

For laptop computers

Peer-groups are clear groups

As fear loops round cuppa soups

As new suits in old boots in new suits

Grow new roots but no shoots

Catching snatches of the world in front of me

So sick of reality, as seen on TV

Frosted glass and smoke and mirrors

Blending bad news into horrors

Sending shockwaves seeped in sorrows,

Too tired to tarry on such stories

On this sunny sleepy morning

Content with funny snorts and yawning

Everyone a place to go,

Their paved pathways set in stone

Everyone their face must show

If only to a telephone

I wonder what would happen if,

We all stepped off and cut adrift

Would anyone be truly missed?

Sure that’s one less email answered

And one less plastered,

In pubs after

But surely in the scheme of grand-things

One day off wont lead to bad things?

Maybe this views just romantic

Are world is after all so frenzied frantic

Or maybe its just laziness

To lie back and hope for best

I suppose that’s the crime of the optimist

Natures little pest.

I suppose that’s the crime of the optimist

To take it all in stride and jest.

I thought I saw Jesus, leaking secrets

To passers by, by means of a leaflet

But the men made of wires

Deleted his flyers

And left them to flutter

Like butter in fires

Amazing what contempt

That a nutter inspires.

Because we know its wrong

To connect beliefs with bombs

To avoid delays to this service

Please report all, that makes you nervous.

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