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Love Lane Inn is the 28th hotel/hostel/lodge that I have stayed in on my trip. I have not reviewed any of the previous 27.

There are so many factors that make up a good place to stay, and I’ve experienced the best and worst of most of them. There are obvious concerns like cleanliness and location, the quality of your bed, flexible curfews (and early openings) and hot showers. Then there are luxuries such as free water refills, sofas, TV and wifi. If you can find all that at a reasonable price you’re on to a winner.

Love Lane Inn has it all. Hot showers, book swap, speedy internet, comfy beds, free tea and coffee.

And yet, what drove me to write a review of this place is none of this. Love Lane Inn is in fact the worst place I have stayed so far. The reason; staff.

Backpackers tend to be a hardy bunch. Often poor living conditions acquire high status in competiton for the cheapest possible night’s stay. But what no backpacker needs after a hard journey is to be snapped at angrily for their every move.

‘Dear Jimmy’ is the title of an enormous noticeboard covered with correspondence from previous satisfied customers to this apparently charismatic owner. I can’t find any dating after 2007 – perhaps he has got bitter.

After reading some, I’m told off for using my own pen to check in, turning on the fan in my room, not washing up my mug (this happened twice, despite me never having used one), wearing sandals and, finally, for stealing somebody’s bed.

Absolutely every walk from my room to the road involved some form of encounter with reception.

It was with a great sense of relief, one not felt at any other place, that I left Love Lane.

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