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Strategy is a wonderful thing. Maybe you’re reviewing yours for 2024? And that’s fabulous. It’s what every great business needs.

But, strategy is usually pretty long-term

What about now?

Whilst you’re forming the strategy and starting to build it out, chances are you also need some shorter-term results.

That’s where it pays to deploy some “tactical marketing”; activities that can focus on landing a few key client wins, buying you time to consider the bigger picture.

Tactical B2B marketing is about focusing on key target audiences (ideally *high-value*), utilising great technology and fresh creative to earn attention, create connections and develop relationships. 

This is tangible, actionable stuff that’s going to deliver clear results.

I’m talking to clients about:
  ▪ “1-to-Few” campaigns
  ▪ ABM (account-based marketing) content
  ▪ Interactive sales decks
  ▪ High-value ‘lead magnets’
  ▪ Targeted advertising
  ▪ Social selling on LinkedIn
  ▪ Newsletters / email campaigns

All of which will help them engage with high-value audiences who are worth big £$€ for their business.

So, by all means, get strategic…

…but if you want to talk tactical too, you know where to come!