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Not enough clients?

Let’s fix that

Helping consultancies and agencies make selling easier and enjoy winning business

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Do these problems sound familiar?

  • Struggling to get new client leads
  • Team resources under-utilised
  • Flat energy that could use some ‘wins’
  • Inconsistent flow of new business
  • Not hitting growth targets
  • Can’t quite justify new hires

Want to enjoy winning business again?

I’m Will Sawney (LinkedIn) and my unique Sideways Methodology helps consultancies and agencies to fix all of these problems, make selling easier and enjoy winning business again.

The Sideways Methodology

Let's fix these 4 elements to transform your performance

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Messaging Magic

Words are how we connect with clients and become 'compelling'. We'll find your market niche, develop your brand story and use it to win business.


Let's find systems that we actually enjoy using to communicate with. Simple setups help us concentrate on building authentic relationships and closing deals.


People buy people. We should feel empowered to network, communicate and radiate the brilliance of our brand. Everyone can take part in the joy of selling.


Don't hoard IP. Give it away for free. Use the very best of what you know to build an audience, massively increase your network and get inbound work.

How It Works

Our unique process gets your marketing fixed, and winning business fast

Ready to get winning business again? My process gets results quickly. We’ll start with goal setting and foundations, but implement quick fixes ASAP so you start closing deals.

Successes achieved, we can then re-build some of the more fundamental components of your marketing setup, enabling you to achieve bigger client wins.

Finally it’s time to refine and scale, creating a new business “machine” that reliably brings in highly-relevant opportunities and allows you to grow with confidence.

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