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India can be – and invariably is – really bloody noisy. Sounds don’t come alone, or in pairs, but in dischordant arguments of pitch and volume.

The major player is the car horn, which replaces the brake pedal in frequency of use here. Rather like mobile ringtones, drivers can customise their horn to suit any fancy or temper. There are your standard beeps, the classic oscillating alerts and then even some top-of-the-range tunes.

The novelty of these ‘novelty horns’ has a tendency to wain, but by turning it all into a fun game, you can refind that passion for the horn.

On hearing a horn, assign it a rating out of 10. Award marks for originality, jolliness and sheer volume. Add up the marks for each city and you’ve got the makings of a thrilling contest.

(Note that whilst this game increases interest levels, it will probably do little to alleviate your headache.)

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